Piazza Cavana
Cavana is the ancient district of sailors, inns and squeri (shipyards), home to consulates, a refuge for fishermen, a maze of taverns and brothels frequented by Joyce. Via del Pesce, della Pescheria and del Sale start from Piazza Cavana moving towards the sea and tell its story as the heart of the trade of the old Trieste, while Via dei Cavezzeni, dei Capitelli and delle Mura head towards the San Giusto hill. Piazza Cavana derives its name following the demolition of the salt warehouse commissioned in 1714 by Emperor Charles VI on the occasion of the end of hostilities with the Turks: the name Cavana perhaps may also come from the old quarry present nearby at the time or from the name of the door built in 1471 and demolished in 1778.
Piazza Cavana
alt Eventi

Director Sergio Gratton. Program in definition

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
