The history of the Museum of Antiquities (which for a hundred years bore the name of the Civic Museum of History and Art) begins from the original location of the Lapidary Garden, which "grew up" around the Winckelmann monument. A garden of memories which was soon accompanied by purchases and gifts of artefacts and collections, to create a museum that never ceases to amaze.
At 9.30pm there will be "A come Amami al... fredo!" Songs and instrumental interludes from the Schmidl Collections 1.
Curated by: Civico Museo d’Antichità “J.J. Winckelmann”
museoantichitawinckelmann.itMen and artefacts from the land of the Nile, passed through, but often also stopped in the port of Habsburg Trieste. Adventurers and diplomats, merchants and simple men are the craftsmen of the rich Egyptian collection in our museum, but also the creators of the very essence of what is called Egyptomania. At 9.30pm there will be ""B for Bel Tenor... Bronza coverta!". " Songs and instrumental interludes from the Schmidl Collections 2.
Curated by: Civico Museo d’Antichità “J.J. Winckelmann”
museoantichitawinckelmann.itThe Greek and Magna Graecia vases are beautifully displayed in the museum windows, but they have a double life behind them: the ancient one when they were made and used; and the antiquarian one linked to their discovery, trade and composition of collections. In particular we will travel through the history of that prestigious collection put together in Trieste by Carlo d'Ottavio Fontana, which was partly transferred to our museums and the rest was dispersed abroad. At 9.30pm there will be ""C is for Caligo... El cotoler!"" Songs and instrumental interludes from the Schmidl Collections 3.
Curated by: Civico Museo d’Antichità “J.J. Winckelmann”
museoantichitawinckelmann.itThe final episode will present some insights into the pre- and proto-history collections, highlighting the new studies and research in progress.
At 9.30pm there will be "D come Do monetari de Ideal...". Songs and Instrumental Interludes from the Schmidl Collections 4.
Curated by: Civico Museo d’Antichità “J.J. Winckelmann”